Thursday, May 10, 2007

Am I A Terrorist?

Am I A Terrorist?
By: Dr. Shahid Athar

They call my people
blood thirsty terrorists
blowing up buildings and planes
with dynamite tied to their chests
killing civilians by the hundreds
-but am I a terrorist?

True, some of my people
of names similar to mine
do act violently in despair
when their human rights are stolen
when their suffering and plights are ignored
in the refugee camps of Sabra and Chatala.
- but am I a terrorist?

They are not living their faith
just acting on emotions and hate
full with the revenge for the oppressor
with little regard for innocent lives
they are just Muslim in name
-but am I a terrorist?

Islam, the religion of peace
teaches Muslims to respect life
"If anyone had killed one man
except in lieu of murder and mischief
it is as if he killed the whole mankind"
Same verse in Torah and Quran too
by the same God
-how could I be a terrorist?

Prophet Mohammad, Peace be upon him,
was a mercy to mankind
he cared for the poor, elderly and sick
even if not from his faith
he stood in respect for a funeral procession of a Jew
he let a cat take a nap on his robe
not to disturb her, he cut his robe
He told Muslim armies not to hurt women and kids
sick and old, cut trees or kill animals just for fun
I love him so much
-how could I be a terrorist?

But why do they call us terrorists?
Why not call the IRA, Red Army, Tamil Tigers
Militant Hindus, Russian killers, Israeli land-thieves

or Serbians terrorists?
Why not call the militia
blowing up government buildings
and killing innocent civilians a terrorist
No, the term is reserved for Muslims
- and I am a Muslim.

We are the victims of terrorism
in Palestine, Kashmir, Bosnia and Kosova
by individuals and states
with knives, guns, tanks and rape
-who is a terrorist?

I remember Serb soldiers came to my house
they killed my father and my big brother too
I miss them so much.
They raped my mom and my sister too.
I loved them so much.
Then they burned my house, my books and toys too
- and they call us terrorists.

I got scared, and fled into the woods
joined a caravan going to the border
migrating from oppression to a land of peace and freedom

I have walked two days and climbed a mountain
I am hungry and thirsty, tired and sick
My legs are weak and my feet are bleeding
unable to walk anymore
- do I look like a terrorist?

I am not a terrorist
I am a Muslim
seeking love, peace and justice
My name is Mehmet Poturvic
I am a 6 year old from Kosova
Ya Allah, please help me and my people.
"You alone I worship, from you alone I seek help

"O you believe answer the call of Allah(swt) and His Messenger(saw)
to that
which gives you Life."(24:8)

Remember there is NO Life or Dignity without Islam!!!

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Islam is peace

Islam is peace, Islam is ease.
Islam's not danger or disease.
Islam is love and prosperity.
Islam's not hatred or adversity.

Islam is salvation through repentance.
Islam has love for all in abundance.
Islam means no harm or affliction.
Islam implores you with affection.

Islam is neither maze nor craze.
Islam is giving Allah all praise.
Islam is acing through the race.
Islam will be on everyone's face.

Islam is worshipping only the Creator.
Islam's not mere numbers on a calculator.
Islam gives you power when you surrender.
Islam's not a terrorist or for a pretender.

Islam is patience and perseverance.
Islam eases your vengeance through tolerance.
Islam is life for all eternity.
Islam gives you respect, moreover dignity.

Islam is winning hearts through honesty.
Islam is giving openly in charity.
Islam makes you wholesome and trustworthy.
Islam is in wealth as well as in poverty.

Islam is your shield against all evil.
Islam is for your soul's retrieval.
Islam not fundamentalism or fanaticism.
Islam's not nationalism or racism.

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Undangan Konferensi Khilafah Internasional

Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia mengundang kaum muslim pada acara:
Konferensi Khilafah Internasional

Ahad, 12 Agustus 2007 M
28 Rajab 1428 H
Pukul 08:00 - 12:00 WIB
Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta

Insya Allah menghadirkan pembicara dari:
Eropa, Australia, Palestina, Sudan, Jepang dan Indonesia
Juga tokoh-tokoh nasional dari NU, Muhammadiyah, MUI, Darut Tauhid, Menpora, dan Ormas-ormas Islam.


1. Dr. Imran Waheed (Hizbut Tahrir Eropa)
“Tanda-tanda Kehancuran Peradaban Barat”
2. Syeikh Ismail Al Wahwah (Hizbut Tahrir Australia)
“Dunia Membutuhkan Khilafah”
3. Syeikh Issam Ameera (Hizbut Tahrir Palestina)
“Tanda-tanda Tegaknya Khilafah”
4. Syeikh Usman Abu Khalil (Hizbut Tahrir Sudan)
“Tantangan Setelah Tegaknya Khilafah”
5. Prof. Dr. Hassan Ko Nakata (Cendekiawan Muslim Jepang)
“Peran Perjuangan HT Membangun Peradaban Islam ke Depan”
6. Hafidz Abdurrahman, MA (Ketua Umum DPP HTI)
“Perjuangan Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia Menuju Khilafah”

Orasi Tokoh:

* KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar
* Prof. Dr. H. M. Amin Rais
* KH. Ma’ruf Amin
* DR. H. Adyaksa Dault, SH, M.Si.
* KH. Drs. Hasyim Muzadi
* Prof. Dr. Din Syamsuddin
* KH. Habib Riziq Shihab
* KH. Zainuddin MZ

Kantor Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia:
Gedung Anakida Lt.7, Jl. Prof. Soepomo No.27 Tebet Jakarta Selatan
Telp: 021-8305848 Fax : 021-8312111
Email : info@hizbut- tahrir.or. id
Contact Person : Fanani (0815-8366436 / 021-70031924)

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